How To Recognize Real (Genuine) Leather?

How To Recognize Real (Genuine) Leather?

Due to the high cost of leather products that we use in many different sectors and in various areas of our daily lives, faux leather is widely produced. In order to reach the consumer easily, it is aimed to make production that looks close to real leather. 

As a result, it is always possible to encounter materials in the market that look very similar to real leather. Therefore, while you want to buy a quality product, it is necessary to have information about leather and pay attention to some criteria in order not to pay more and buy faux products.

Real leather is distinguished by its texture, smell, reaction to water and so on. With some of the tests we will explain below, you can easily come to the right conclusion and make the right choices.

What are Leather Classes - Types - Types?

Leathers are classified in four different ways according to their type, raw form, the processes performed on their surface and the way they give texture to the surface

Types of Leather

Types of Leather
Types of Leather

What is Calfskin Leather?

It is obtained by processing calfskin. It is the most durable of all leather types. Its heat insulation is also very high. For this reason, it is often preferred in coats, jackets and similar clothing products.

What is Sheepskin Leather?

It is obtained by processing sheep leather. Its prominent feature is its flexibility. It is preferred in the production of materials where flexibility is required.

What is Lambskin Leather?

The prominent feature of this type of leather obtained by processing lambskin is that it is extremely soft. It is used in products that require softness.

What is Goatskin Leather?

It is obtained by processing goatskin. It gives better results than sheep leather and lambskin in terms of durability and heat insulation ability. In terms of weight, it is lighter than calfskin.

Raw Leather Types

As in humans, the leather of animals has a layered structure. Each of these layers has different properties. The upper layers are more granular and natural. As you go down, the particles are replaced by a fibrous structure. Quality and price vary depending on which layer is emphasized in leather production.

The top layer is called skin in animals as well as humans. The skin is the most granular part. These particles make the skin more robust and resistant. Thus, this layer, which is in contact with the outside world, protects the living being in the best way. The particles are also called "grains".

Leather Types and Layers
Leather Types and Layers

There are four different types of leather according to its raw state. These are;

What is Full Grain Leather?

What is Full Grain Leather
What is Full Grain Leather

Full grain leather is a living material, the top layer of leather that has been completely preserved. It is the most valued, highest quality and most expensive variety on the market. It is completely natural. So much so that wounds, scratches, damage and similar deformations that can be seen on the skin of the animal are seen in these leathers. 

Their presence improves quality, but some users may visually prefer different types. Nevertheless, these are the most used by luxury and sought-after brands. The price of leather meters is higher than other types. The first type that comes first in terms of strength and durability is all-grain leather. In these, a strong structure is maintained that cannot be torn or torn apart by manpower.

It has more air pores. Therefore, it retains less moisture than other types and prevents deterioration of the image over time.  Darkening may occur on the surface over time. This adds value to the product as an indicator of naturalness and uniqueness.

What is Top Grain Leather?

The varieties that rank second in terms of quality are grained leathers close to the upper surface. In terms of durability, they are close to full grain leather.

These are the most preferred types by users. Because the upper surface of the skin is subjected to a cleaning and scars, scratches, cuts, moles and similar images are largely eliminated. A visually cleaner image emerges.

In the long run, paths may appear on it and darkening may occur. These are also considered a sign of naturalness and quality. Since the air pores are largely preserved, it does not retain moisture.

What is Genuine (Split) Leather?

The calfskin is taken to the device called "splitting machine" and the top surface and the bottom layer are separated from each other. The upper surfaces enter the production as full grain leather and grain leather close to the upper surface. The remaining bottom layer is called split leather. This layer can be damaged and disintegrated during separation. 

Since it does not have a granular structure, it does not have a solid structure. Therefore, it is subjected to strength increasing processes. Special adhesives are used at this stage. Finally, it is given the appearance of leather and painted. Bags, wallets, shoes, belts and the like can be made from split leather, which can be purchased at low prices.

What is Bonded Leather?

It is created by binding the leftover parts of the leathers together using latex or polyurethane. Book binding and similar can be made. It cannot be said to be robust. Bonded leathers may crack and shed over time.

Our Most Loved Full Grain Leather Products

How to Recognize Real Leather?

Genuine leather can be easily distinguished from faux leather by applying the following tests. The question "How to recognize genuine leather?" can thus be answered.

Real (Genuine) Leather
Real (Genuine) Leather

Water Test on Real (Genuine) Leather Surface

Real leather has the ability to absorb water. For this reason, a product can be tested by dropping water on its surface to see if it is made of real leather. If the water runs off the surface, it is faux leather.

Real (Genuine) Leather Touch Test

When real leather is touched with pressure, wrinkles are formed similar to human skin and after a while they are smoothed out.

Does Real (Genuine) Leather Burn?

Faux leather and real leather can be easily separated in the face of fire. Because when real leather burns, it leaves ash and charcoal. Faux leather melts because it contains plastic. Thus, the answer to the question "does leather burn?" has a distinctive feature.

How Does Real (Genuine) Leather Smell?

It has a natural odor. The chemical odor of faux leather is not felt in real leather.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Real (Genuine) Leather and Faux Leather

What is the Real (Genuine) Leather Mark?

Real Leather Marks
Real Leather Marks

On the products or on the labels, there should be a description of whether they are made of genuine or faux leather. In some countries, the phrase "genuine leather" is generally used. The relevant leather marking can be used with phrases such as "real leather" or "100% real leather", which are valid all over the world.

Are There Pores on the Surface of Real (Genuine) Leather?

Real leather naturally has pores. There is a granular structure that protects the animal from the effects of the atmosphere. The abundance of air pores prevents undesirable formations such as mold and fungus and prevents the formation of bad appearance or odor. Therefore, porous structure is also a quality indicator.

Is Real (Genuine) Leather Expensive?

The cost of genuine leather products is high. In addition, it is incomparably superior to faux leather in terms of naturalness, durability, durability and quality. Therefore, their prices are relatively high.

What does PU Leather mean?

In research on leather, the questions of what is pu leather or what is pu material are encountered. Pu leather is a type of faux leather that is most similar to real leather. It takes its name from its main material, polyurethane. When the meaning of PU leather is researched, it should not be forgotten that it is chemical, although it is similar to real leather.

Is Faux Leather Good?

Although faux leather is frequently used due to its low cost and ease of transportation, it is not a substitute for real leather. It is also incomparable in terms of quality and durability.

Vinlex Leather Prices

Vinlex is a type of faux leather. Vinlex leather prices are considerably lower than real leather.

What is Suede Leather?

It is a type produced from the lower layers of leathers that cannot be utilized because the leather surface is too damaged. It has a soft texture. It can be produced as black leather or in other colors.